Parametric Network Solver
This code defines a system for solving parametric network problems, which are a type of optimization problem in graph theory. The main purpose of this code is to find the maximum ratio that satisfies certain conditions in a graph, where the distances between nodes depend on this ratio.
The code takes two main inputs: a graph (represented as a mapping of nodes and edges) and an object that defines how to calculate distances based on the ratio. It produces two outputs: the maximum ratio that satisfies the conditions and a cycle in the graph that corresponds to this ratio.
The code achieves its purpose through an iterative algorithm implemented in the run method of the MaxParametricSolver class. This method starts with an initial ratio and repeatedly finds cycles in the graph that could potentially improve this ratio. It uses a negative cycle finder (NCF) to detect these cycles efficiently.
The algorithm works as follows:
1. It starts with an initial ratio and distance estimates for each node.
2. It uses the NCF to find cycles in the graph where the total distance is negative.
3. For each negative cycle found, it calculates a new ratio that would make the cycle's total distance zero.
4. If this new ratio is smaller than the current best ratio, it updates the best ratio and remembers this cycle.
5. It repeats steps 2-4 until no better ratio can be found.
The main data transformation happening here is the continuous updating of the ratio based on the cycles found in the graph. The algorithm is essentially searching for the highest ratio that doesn't allow any negative cycles in the graph, when distances are calculated using this ratio.
This code is designed to be flexible, using generic types for nodes, edges, and ratios. This allows it to work with different types of graphs and different ways of calculating distances. The ParametricAPI class defines an interface for how distances should be calculated and how to find the ratio that makes a cycle's total distance zero.
Overall, this code provides a framework for solving a specific type of optimization problem on graphs, where the goal is to maximize a ratio while maintaining certain constraints on the distances between nodes in the graph.
from abc import abstractmethod
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Generic, Mapping, MutableMapping, Tuple, TypeVar
from .neg_cycle import Cycle, Domain, Edge, NegCycleFinder, Node
Ratio = TypeVar("Ratio", Fraction, float)
class ParametricAPI(Generic[Node, Edge, Ratio]):
def distance(self, ratio: Ratio, edge: Edge) -> Ratio:
The `distance` function calculates the distance between a given ratio and edge.
:param ratio: The `ratio` parameter is of type `Ratio`. It represents a ratio or proportion
:type ratio: Ratio
:param edge: The `edge` parameter represents an edge in a graph. It is of type `Edge`
:type edge: Edge
def zero_cancel(self, cycle: Cycle) -> Ratio:
The `zero_cancel` function takes a `Cycle` object as input and returns a `Ratio` object.
:param cycle: The `cycle` parameter is of type `Cycle`.
:type cycle: Cycle
class MaxParametricSolver(Generic[Node, Edge, Ratio]):
"""Maximum Parametric Solver
This class solves the following parametric network problem:
| max r
| s.t. dist[v] - dist[u] <= distrance(e, r)
| forall e(u, v) in G(V, E)
A parametric network problem refers to a type of optimization problem that
involves finding the optimal solution to a network flow problem as a function
of one single parameter.
def __init__(
digraph: Mapping[Node, Mapping[Node, Edge]],
omega: ParametricAPI[Node, Edge, Ratio],
) -> None:
The `__init__` function initializes an object with a graph and an omega parameter.
:param digraph: digraph is a mapping of nodes to a mapping of nodes to edges. It represents a graph
where each node is connected to other nodes through edges. The edges are represented by the
mapping of nodes to edges
:type digraph: Mapping[Node, Mapping[Node, Edge]]
:param omega: The `omega` parameter is an instance of the `ParametricAPI` class. It represents
some kind of parametric API that takes three type parameters: `Node`, `Edge`, and `Ratio`
:type omega: ParametricAPI[Node, Edge, Ratio]
# self.ncf = NegCycleFinder(digraph)
self.digraph = digraph
self.omega: ParametricAPI[Node, Edge, Ratio] = omega
def run(
self, dist: MutableMapping[Node, Domain], ratio: Ratio
) -> Tuple[Ratio, Cycle]:
The `run` function takes in a distance mapping and a ratio, and iteratively finds the minimum
ratio and corresponding cycle until the minimum ratio is greater than or equal to the input
:param dist: The `dist` parameter is a mutable mapping where the keys are `Node` objects and the
values are `Domain` objects. It represents the distance between nodes in a graph
:type dist: MutableMapping[Node, Domain]
:param ratio: The `ratio` parameter is a value that represents a ratio or proportion. It is used
as a threshold or target value in the algorithm
:type ratio: Ratio
:return: The function `run` returns a tuple containing the updated ratio (`ratio`) and the cycle (`cycle`).
D = type(next(iter(dist.values())))
def get_weight(e: Edge) -> Domain:
return D(self.omega.distance(ratio, e))
r_min = ratio
c_min = []
cycle = []
ncf: NegCycleFinder[Node, Edge, Domain] = NegCycleFinder(self.digraph)
while True:
for ci in ncf.howard(dist, get_weight):
ri = self.omega.zero_cancel(ci)
if r_min > ri:
r_min = ri
c_min = ci
if r_min >= ratio:
cycle = c_min
ratio = r_min
return ratio, cycle